Eight is a significant number. Lucky for some. Mathematically sacred. A good sized portion of a cake. For The Relaxation Room Healing Retreat team – it’s a little bit special.
Over the past 8 years they have established a great team of practitioners to support The End of the Road Festival by running a healing retreat, soothing bodies into optimum celebratory states. They have been on hand to dispel common ailments such as ‘aching foot’ syndrome (it’s really bad when it’s only one!), tired ‘campers’ back disorders (airbeds seem such a great idea), early morning banging headness affliction (particularly prevalent for parents) and other tried and tested festival complaints.
“My festival journey started in 2003 when I attended the Big Chill at Eastnor Castle, vowing to work there the following year, and I never looked back” says Catherine Hunt, owner of The Relaxation Room. Since then Catherine has worked at many summer festivals including Larmer Tree Festival, The Bulldog Bash, WOMAD, Download to name a few. In 2006 Catherine approached End of the Road Festival, a new festival that year and offered to organise a healing field. Sofia Genders, Director and Co Founder of the festival, jumped at the chance and has actively supported the retreat ever since. “The Relaxation Retreat is very popular amongst our audience and has been part of End of the Road Festival ever since we started in 2006. It is headed up by Catherine Hunt, who in my opinion is very professional, friendly and easy to work with. She sets high standards and has dealt very well with adapting and developing the ‘healing field’ to handle the growing demand from our festival’s increased capacity each year.”.
Offering a diverse range of treatments, from the traditional to the less well known, over the last 8 years the team has flourished. So popular is the demand for bookings it’s meant the team of 6 for 2006 has now grown to 20 strong for the 2013 line up. “I was always very conscious of organic growth for the retreat and hearing how well everyone has done, particularly this year, tells me it’s all worked out. I’d love to take on more opportunities at other events and have more retreat teams flourishing”. Offering most traditional forms of massage, even physiotherapy and osteopathy, they have crystal healing, shamanic sessions and guided relaxation. “We even have our own barber offering classic traditional wet shaves with hot towels – roll on Summer 2014.”
Catherine is currently organising teams for the 2014 season and can be approached to coordinate teams at events. Anyone interested in finding out more or to become part of a team can contact her at retreat@therelaxationroom.co.uk.
“It’s a pleasure and a privilege to provide treatments in such lovely surroundings within the best organised healing area you could wish to find in any festival. To spend time here is a treat for clients and therapists alike.”
Eileen Reynolds
Nameste Holistic Therapies
“It’s wonderful to be part of a professional therapeutic community creating positive change together. We get to sharpen our skills as we meet so many new people with their unique stories and get to make a difference.”
Mark Pogson
Somerset School of Healing Arts
“I specialise in taking therapies to unusual places and spaces, and in a truly holisitic sense, the Healing Retreat is a beautiful place to work ; Sparkle for the soul!”
Nina Truman