These 3 are on a Universal mission Since the year I qualified in 1995 I have been passionate about working within a network of professional practitioners, dedicated to offering quality service. I am proud and honoured to introduce some of them to you here. Having regular supervision sessions and professional ..Continue Reading
Not having a morning walk isn’t really an option with a spaniel collie cross, every morning is a joy to wake up to. Yet some mornings does the walk have to involve the human? I so often see people who almost seem scared to stop, so focused on their own ..Continue Reading
As a Wellbeing Advisor I get asked that question a lot… and here’s a great explanation and I’ll be testing you on how to pronounce it next time we speak… Anthroposophic Medicine
June sees the start of something to celebrate. Earlier in the year I hosted a spa day for ladies attending from Springfield voices in Kendal. It was a Pamper Day gifted by a benefactor for some well deserved rest and relaxation for 3 woman. As the day was such a ..Continue Reading
After the tragedy of this week our minds turn to our amazing resilience to come together in community. This week I was welcomed into the Biodynamic Group at Coniston, a gentle reminder of how our land can heal us in so many ways Wishing you all a sunny weekend from The ..Continue Reading
Sat at the station, anticipating a long wait, a lady sat down next to me. We chatted about her dog. Her cheeks, sucked in and with sad eyes longingly watching me eat my lunch. Her dog Tilly, not the lady of course. She noticed my pack. ” Where are you ..Continue Reading