Well-Being Retreat Proposal

Please find the following link to our pdf document which forms a proposal to run a Wellbeing Retreat Whether you are looking for a small team for a one off event or developing a larger team to support an annual gathering, we can coordinate everything PROPOSAL WELLBEING RETREAT All enquiries ..Continue Reading


…ON LATE SUMMER SUNSHINE Eight is a significant number.  Lucky for some.  Mathematically sacred. A good sized portion of a cake.  For The Relaxation Room Healing Retreat team – it’s a little bit special. Over the past 8 years they have established a great team of practitioners to support The ..Continue Reading

Cumbria Health Collective – New Season highlights

Well, if highlights are good enough for your latest ‘must see’ TV programme, how about tuning into what’s happening at the Cumbria Health Collective.  Download our latest update here.  CThA Monthly Report Sept 2013

New Product Update

  Pomegranate Hand Cream fresh in today – will be lovely to use this for hand massage in combination with the Wild Rose or Iris masque treatment    

Cumbria Health Collective – our first year

The Cumbria Health Collective has been developed from our local CThA Meetings.  Members include local practitioners of different disciplines, we even have our own client representative and the group encourages involvement from non CThA members too. Our aim is to create a hub for informed client choice for an inclusive ..Continue Reading

Good Morning

View over to Arnside from Grange – what a beautiful place to be