It’s all about letting it unwind in it’s own time
This month’s meeting was all about Myofascial Release and it hasn’t surprised me it’s taking more than one session to tackle the subject. On Saturday 25th October our autumn season didn’t really get off to the start I anticipated, with last minute apologies, I spent 2 hours watching YouTube videos and contemplation the training I have just completed with the Jing Institute.
Yvonne Cervetti, JingNorth Tutor, lead an exceptional team to offer the Myofascial Release training showing us Indirect Techniques. Even some of the best known practitioners in it’s field are finding some of the most recent research papers hard to digest so in simple terms, releasing your Fascia enables more movement in the body, which has to be a good thing.
If you think of your body, whatever size it is, imagine you have an internal body stocking. Now imagine this internal body stocking has shrunk 2 sizes smaller. Tension, caused by stresses and strains we put our bodies under, can result in our internal body stocking, i.e. Fascia, to shrink, constricting our muscles and causing pain. Stretching and moving around can help release the fascia and result in better mobility, however over time greater intervention may be required, such as direct and indirect Myofascial techniques.
So true to form our Group Fascia seems to be releasing, in it’s own time, so it’s very apt that we have a second attempt on Wednesday 5th November between 2.00 – 4.00pm to explore this far reaching subject.