First Fifty


Let’s see how many we can collectively create

Today, Yvonne Cervetti and I started something. And I feel amazing for it, thank you Yvonne.

On a recent course we discussed as practitioners how much support we give ourselves in our own practice by receiving treatments.  I have benefitted from many swaps from people, however you might find this idea more appealing.

The idea is that you generate £50 and then book in with a fellow practitioner for a treatment.  That £50 note then starts a journey around to other practitioners.

Why £50? Because it’s too tempting to cash a £20. If you’re not comfortable with money, it could be a greeting card, or a made object, or some other kind of symbolic object.  Whichever feels more appropriate, we just hope it inspires you to join forces with local friends and colleagues to start your own ‘treatment team’.

And if you find you receive such a token to spend on a treatment for yourself, enjoy as much as I have enjoyed my treatment today.
And Yvonne, let us know where it journey’s next.